Worship Commission
The Worship Commission works with the Pastor and Music Director in providing meaningful and reverent liturgies that follow the rites of the Roman Catholic Church. It also strives to provide additional opportunities for spiritual growth, and hosts a variety of Bible Study Groups, Parish Missions, and various speakers throughout the year.
The commission oversees the recruitment, training, and support of Lectors, Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, and Ushers. Additionally, members of the commission coordinate our Eucharistic Adoration Program and Rosary Maker’s Guild. Each year, the commission sponsors a Mass with Jubilarians followed by a reception for parishioners celebrating milestone wedding anniversaries.
Meetings: 1st Saturday of every other month September through May - 11:00am
Contact Person: Michelle Lindsey – 419-704-1150
Liturgical Ministers
Altar Servers – Open to any male who is a registered, active & practicing member of St. Anthony, grade 4 and over.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
– (If you or someone you know has a need to receive Communion at home, please call the Parish Office.)
– Open to anyone who is a registered, active, & practicing member of St. Anthony, and has been confirmed. Commissioned every 3 years.
Lectors: Open to anyone who is a registered, active & practicing member of St. Anthony, and has been confirmed. Commissioned every 3 years.
Ushers: Open to any man who is a registered remember of St. Anthony, ages Jr. High and up.
Choir Director: Eric Hite 419-266-0571